Resource center

Setting a travel notice in digital banking


Informing us of your travel dates and destination is important, as it helps to ensure your transactions are not blocked. When you notify us of your travel dates and destination, we update our Transaction Monitoring Systems according to when and where you intend to use your ATM/debit card abroad.

To Submit your Travel Notice via Digital Banking, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select "Set a Travel Notice" from the Requests menu.

Selecting Set travel notice from the menu

Step 2: Provide your Travel Dates, Contact Information, Destination, last four digits of the card and any other comments you wish to add, then click "Submit".

Enter travel notice details like travel period and country

Step 3: Review the information provided before submitting your request. Click "Confirm" if the information is correct.

confirm information being submitted

Step 4: Confirmation of a successful submission for the Travel Notification will display.

Confirmation that travel notification was successfully submitted