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Approval alerts for drafted payments


Register to receive alerts when a payment is awaiting your approval

This feature applies to the Corporate and Business Editions of Digital Banking

If you have approval entitlements for payments, you can register your preferred method of contact when a payment is drafted and ready for your approval. This will allow the payment drafter to select you from a list of approval contacts to notify.

Step 1 - Click on the Settings option in the menu and choose “Set Approval Alerts”

select set approval alerts

Step 2 - Select “Add Email”

Note: you do not need to create an Authorization Code as the screen suggests.

add your email address

Step 3 - Enter in your email address and click “Save”. Your email address will populate on the screen.

save the email

Step 4 - Then select the applicable payment types you wish to be eligible to receive alerts for and click “Submit”

Select payment types you want alerts for

When the initiator creates a payment, the approver will appear in the drop down to select for an alert.